Birmingham Mind Helpline
Our Helpline provides emotional and wellbeing advice and information, to people experiencing mental health difficulties, their families, professionals and the wider public.
Our Helpline is accessible 9am – 11pm, everyday by calling 0121 262 3555 (Freephone 0800 915 9292)
Alongside our Helpline, you can also reach us by email or use our webchat, available everyday between 10am – 9pm.
The Helpline offers advice, information and signposting relating to mental health, wellbeing and health and social care issues, alongside a range of other conditions.
Feeling Low or Anxious? – Call us to talk about your feelings of low mood, depression, anxiety or self-harm.
Emotional and Wellbeing Support – Our team can provide practical emotional and wellbeing support over the phone or through our wellbeing services
Access to Counselling – Our team can refer you to local counselling sessions
Support for frontline workers – We are linked to services providing support specifically for frontline workers
Birmingham & Solihull – The phone line is for anyone living in Birmingham and Solihull.
We actively encourage applications for volunteers on our helpline. Please visit our Volunteering Page for more information and application details.
Translated Helpline Leaflets
Fact Sheets
Counselling and Talking Therapies
Mental Capacity Act
Mental Health Diagnosis
NHS Complaints
Registering with a GP in Birmingham and Solihull
Self Care
Birmingham Mind is a member of the Helpline Partnership, a membership body for organisations that provide information, support or advice via phone, email, text or online.

Useful Contacts
Talking Space (Inc Crisis Support)
Central Birmingham Wellbeing Hub