Donate to Us
Can you support our goals and objectives? Yes, please!
Since 1962 Birmingham Mind has been working hard with individuals with mental health needs assisting them to build upon their own strengths so that they are in control of their lives.
We have achieved much in that time becoming by far the largest voluntary sector provider of mental health services within Birmingham and as a consequence have a vast amount of experience within the organisation.
Being a 24/7 organisation though our work never ceases, particularly as we provide such a diverse range of services to meet peoples individual needs. With your support we can continue to provide such services and support.
What to do next…
If you are considering supporting our services there are a number of simple ways you can do so:
- Donations by Post
- Donations Online
- Payroll Giving
- Legacies
- Company Support
- Donate Your Unwanted Items
Thank you for your support! It makes a difference.
Donations by post
Please send donations made payable to ‘Birmingham Mind’ to:
Birmingham Mind
Director of Finance
Albert House, Quay Place
92 Edward Street
B1 2RA
If you are a UK tax payer, then please complete our Donation & Gift Aid so that we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It won’t cost you any extra.

Donations Online
You’re the reason we can keep providing our services.
You can donate to us online via Paypal or Just Giving
You can also support us with your online purchases by signing up to Easy Fundraising.
Your donation today will help us support more people in Birmingham with their Mental Health.

Company Support and Engagement
We welcome support from companies and organisations who are keen to demonstrate commitment to supporting mental health issues across our community.
Such support could include:
- Employee fundraising programme such as payroll giving
- Nominate Birmingham Mind as your companies Charity of the Year
- Utilise your organisations match funding scheme
- Company donation both materially or resources e.g. team work volunteering
If you would like to know more about how your company can support us, then please use our Contact Us form.

Donations through Payroll Giving
Payroll giving is the most tax effective way to support Birmingham Mind meaning that you can actually give more without paying more. How?
If you are a UK tax payer Birmingham Mind can automatically receive all the tax on your donation. For example if you choose to give £10 the amount you actually pay is just approx £8 (depending on your tax bracket).
Further to this many employers offer a match giving scheme so the amount you donate could be worth double or more of what you give.
If you would like to donate to us via Payroll Giving, please use our Contact Us form.

If you are thinking about making or changing your will, would you consider leaving a legacy to Birmingham Mind?
Any legacy to a charity is currently free of tax and is deducted from your estate before any inheritance tax is calculated.
Your legacy could be a fixed amount or a proportion of your estate – as little or much as you wish; it’s your choice.
If the above sounds suitable why not discuss with your legal advisor who will inform you of current legislations.
You can also, donate money to us or fundraise in memory of a loved one, just follow the link below.