
What is Counselling?

Counselling is a form of talking therapy which allows people to discuss issues, thoughts and feelings which they find difficult.  Counselling enables a person to talk to someone who is trained to listen in a safe and confidential environment.  It enables people to explore their thoughts, feelings and if wanted, to make a change in their life.

Counselling helps to look at issues that may be of concern or causing anxiety and identify methods to cope with them.

What are the different types of counselling?

Counselling come in different formats and will depend on the individual.

Telephone Counselling

This a flexible form of counselling and can be helpful to individuals that prefer not to be seen face to face or where time to see someone face to face is difficult.

At the present time during lockdown, many of the counselling services are using this method.

Face to Face Counselling

This form of counselling will usually take place at a particular venue at certain time.  Individuals are able to speak to the counsellor on a one to basis where they can discuss issues and concerns that may be causing them anxiety.

Group Counselling

Group counselling may be useful to individuals wishing to discuss issues within a group that may also have similar issues and problems.

Online Counselling

Some individuals may prefer to receive online counselling where they may remain anonymous but have the time to think about the problem they wish to discuss. This method is helpful to those who do not wish to meet with someone face to face or speak over the telephone.

What Issues can Counselling Help with?

Bereavement, Stress, Phobias, Addiction, Work, Bullying, Mental Health, Debt, Trauma

Accessing Counselling

You don’t need to be referred for counselling from your GP unless you prefer to speak to them and ask if they can do this.

You can self-refer for counselling services, some services are free others may charge for their service