
Mental Health Diagnosis

Getting a diagnosis may make you feel unsure or worried.  You may have been trying to find your own way to cope with how you have been feeling and now feel it’s time to ask for some help.

How to get a diagnosis.

Initially you should see your GP.  They are able to discuss how you are feeling, what you are experiencing and your current circumstances.  The GP may ask you about your mood and behaviour, they may also ask you to a complete a questionnaire and may be able to diagnose you if they feel you have depression or anxiety.

The GP may decide that you need to be assessed by a mental health professional such as a psychiatrist and the referral can be made by them for this.  The mental health professional may want to meet with you several times before they make a diagnosis.


Your GP may give you information about counselling and talking therapies to assist you.  There are also support groups available, helplines, courses and recovery services that can help.

Useful Contacts

Birmingham Mental Health Helpline: 0121 262 3555


Offering advice, information and signposting to support services in the Birmingham Area


Birmingham Mind Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs : 0121 237 3761

This service supports people who access secondary care services (Community Mental Health Teams) or those with a long term mental health diagnosis and provides a range of activities, drop in sessions.