This Spring we are encouraging everyone to move more throughout all of March. Get active, for 30 minutes, every day for 31 days and raise funds for Birmingham Mind.
Raise money and awareness for mental health by moving everyday for 30 minutes. You can choose any activity you like and you can change it up each day.
You can walk, run, cycle, dance, swim, skip, stretch, cook, clean, decorate, get off the bus a stop earlier, take the stairs not the lift or even potter in the garden.
Ideally we want you to do something that gets your heart pumping a little, but seated exercises count too so long as you’re moving and having fun, it counts.
You can start early, or finish a little later, spend time outside or enjoy movement indoors, it doesn’t matter. You can do it with friends, family or by yourself. And, if you’re feeling super active and want to do more than 30 minuets each day that’s up to you too!
For free sign up and to find out more about the challenge visit – Move More For March