Referrals to our Lead Worker service are currently closed. We are hopeful to re-open applications in April 2025.
Our Vulnerable Adult Service (VAS) – Lead Worker Service provides face to face, person-centered support to enable people with a mental health diagnosis, to have more control over their health, wellbeing and finances, to be safe and secure in their own homes and empower them to be more active within their communities.
Our Lead Worker service can provide support in your own home alongside support in the community and is funded by Birmingham City Council, Vulnerable Adults Service.
The service is delivered in partnership with the Longhurst Group and R&J Support.
Our VAS Lead Workers offer support on an appointment basis to people aged 18+ living within their own accommodation whether the accommodation is rented, brought or private, throughout Birmingham. The service offers support to help people maintain a tenancy and live an independent life.
Person centred support is offered based on an individual’s needs. The support from the team is underpinned by key aspects of recovery, hope, respect and personal growth.
Clients are supported to identify their strengths and goals, to develop increased self-esteem, self-worth and confidence and to integrate into their local community.
The support can include:
- Health and wellbeing support.
- Developing social networks within the local community.
- Accessing community facilities i.e. leisure, work and education.
- Confidence building.
- Support to maintain a tenancy (paperwork, budgeting, environment, health and safety)
All service users are encouraged to be actively involved in designing their support package, in the running of each service and the organisation.
All people receiving a service will be offered a Lead Worker. Support is available between 9.00am and 9.00pm, seven days a week (where needed hours can be flexible to meet the needs of the service or an individual).
- Have a mental health condition
- Age 18+
- You need to live in or have a local connection with Birmingham (Family, support networks or GP etc)

- Applications can be made by individuals, professional services, statutory agencies or family members.
- Applications can made via:
- Our Helpline call 0121 262 3555
- Download and email our Lead Worker Referral Form to our Referral Team.

Impact Report 2023-2024