Home > News & Events > Impact Report 2021 – 2022

Last Thursday, our Board of Trustees launched our annual Impact Report for 2021/2022.

This year the report, has focussed on the 12 months, between April 2021 – March 2022, the emerging period following the height of the covid pandemic. These 12 months were a period of innovation and adaptation, as we all collectively worked to ensure the delivery of our services, resumed to a more “normal” experience, whilst embracing that many people also preferred the new support mechanisms, we had put in place the previous year. (eg zoom sessions and video calls.) and for a long time we offered a blended model of new and old.


Our organisation has evolved into a four pillars of support, Community services, Support services, Regulated services and Pathway services and this structure can be seen in this years Impact Report.

The report has been designed to highlight just some of our achievements over the last 12 months, with a case study from each sector of the organisation

So why not grab a cuppa and take 10 minutes to read the full report to see some of the stories, from the people we work so closely with.