We are extremely pleased to announce that Birmingham Mind has won two Mind Excellence Awards
- What are the Mind Excellence Awards?
Each year, all local Minds who have completed the national Mind charity ‘Mind Quality Mark’ process are invited to apply for the Mind excellence awards. A panel of judges with lived mental health experience review anonymised reflective accounts from local Minds and rate the applications.
- Birmingham Mind Awards 2022
Birmingham Mind completed the Mind Quality Mark (MQM) process in 2022. We were delighted to find out in November 2022 that we had been shortlisted for two awards:
- Mind Excellence Award in Influence & Participation
- Mind Excellence Award in Finance & Fundraising
Helen Wadley, CEO commented
“These awards are a testament to all the hard work done by Birmingham Mind in our Finance Team and around Participation and Influence (Service user involvement). We should never stop striving to improve and our new Participation and Influence Strategy will provide a roadmap for the next stage of our journey.”