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“It has made me feel better equipped to help people with their mental health, also I feel that I will be able to use my skills with my family and friends if the need ever arises.”

Ian Shawley, Trentham Gardens

My primary reason for attending Mental Health First Aid Training with Birmingham Mind, was to be able to provide support to both the Trentham staff team and the wider public with any mental health issues that may arise on a day-by-day basis.

Ian Shawley, Trentham Gardens

I was very impressed with both trainers' knowledge, attitude and approachability

Mental Health First Aid Delegate

I am feeling a lot more confident upon completion of the course than I did before I attended. I still feel as though I have a lot to learn but I hope this will come with practicing over time and further research.

Training Delegate

I would recommend this training as I feel that if there is a higher percentage of people who are trained in Mental Health First Aid, then conversations around mental health will increase and hopefully stigmas will decrease.

MHFA Delegate