
Our Improving Mind Groups aim to do exactly as its name says – it is an open forum for anyone who receives support from any of Birmingham Mind’s services. Each service host their group once a month. This is an opportunity for anyone using that service to raise any issues, ideas or concerns that you may have about how the service which you use or how Birmingham Mind in general is run.

The agenda for the meeting is set by a Facilitator beforehand, but you are very welcome to contact us if you wish to add a point yourself and you can also simply raise any additional points during the meeting.

Average attendance at the groups is normally around 10-20 people. We would welcome anybody who wishes to join us at these groups.

Who can attend?

This group is open to absolutely anybody who receives support from one or more of our services. It doesn’t matter whether you only go to a drop-in session once a month or if you see a support worker every day, you would be completely welcome to attend the Improving Mind group for your service.

Birmingham Mind will ensure that there are always one or two staff members present, both to help ensure that the meeting runs relatively smoothly and to answer questions and give information to the group. A Facilitator will always attend the meetings, to take the notes.

To find out when the Improving Mind groups are held for your service, please ask a member of staff.